Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Family Having Fun

Krystin is leaving for BYU on Saturday so we decided to take some pictures of the family.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Rock Band

So the Wii finally came out with Rock Band. The kids have been waiting for months for this and were having a hard time putting it down. I have to admit. I love to play too. But, when I couldn't find too many songs I knew, C.J. had to remind me that it's ROCK Band and that would explain why my favorites were not there. Krystin and C.J. love the vocals. I think Taylor is attached to the drums. Micaela is lovin the guitar here. The video has Krystin singing some rock song. Music has a way of really gettin her goin. I guess you could say she's a musicaholic. Music, acting, and dancing are such a big part of her I think if they were to disappear she would cease to exist. Nevermind. I tried downloading the 2 minute video and After 5 1/2 hours of downloading I gave up. Now I just want to go to bed.

The Lake

The kids love to ride the tubes and play war against each other. They try hard to knock each other off. Sometimes they get a lot of help from dad when he whips them around. Sometimes they go flying which is scary til you realize their okay. After they fell off, Alec was quick to help Tanner back on. Aw.. so sweet

Taylor wake/knee boarding

C.J. wakeboarding

The Lake

So we all went to Lake Silverwood last Friday and had a lot of fun. My fav is tubing. Corwin drove a little crazy and I almost got bumped. Unfortunately no one took pictures of me :(

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Tanner is definitely his own person. He loves watching Discover Channel and Weird Happenings type shows like haunted houses or sharks that eat people. He also loves art. He draws really well. He also has a knack for singing and acting but I don't know if he'll go with it. We'll see. Oh, and he doesn't like to run.


Alec is the oldest of the twins, which he constantly reminds Tanner when it comes to who gets the front seat in the car. Alec loves basketball, and, as much as we fight it, his hair. He's got lots of soft spots. He also runs and plans to run track in middle/high school as well as follow in his older siblings footsteps and do some singing and acting


Taylor is a highly motivated and talented guy. Definitely does not suffer from middle-child syndrome. He recently played Willy Wonka in SBMS Willy Wonka Jr (which I directed AFTER he was cast and the teacher asked for help-it was a lot of fun). He starts high school next year and is presently taking his first college class. He seems popular with the ladies but lets us know that "in his eyes they are all the same."

Here's C.J.

C.J. is our free spirit. He's 17 and hopefully, having already exprienced Senior Itis during his Junior year, will make it through his Senior year. He's another Singer/Actor and was pretty amazing in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum where he played the Captain. His plan is to take less classes this year and then work towards becoming a fire fighter. He's an Eagle Scout, loves wakeboarding, and has a tender heart :)

He's the one with the headgear. He's standing with his best friend Mark and his cousin Hillary (far left) and her best friend Hillary

Here's Krystin

Krystin is 19 and getting ready to head off for Brigham Young University and start her sophomore year of college. She plans to major in English and Music, Dance, Theatre (MDT) She's amazingly talented and plans to use her English degree to write grants, including grants to open up her own community theatre. She's played lead in a lot of plays and musicals and loves singing and acting. She hasn't mastered dance yet, hence lots of dance classes at BYU to perfect her skills. She also does music and video editing on her computer and creates great stuff.

My Family

Let's see. I'm new to this so hopefully everyone will be patient while I figure it out.

I guess I'll start by showing off my family.

Here's Corwin and me in Palm Springs. We're with some friends just hanging out for the weekend. We would've gone elsewhere but it was close. We found that even though we lived there for a year, we really didn't experience much of it.